As mentioned in my previous article on dreams meaning of hair, money and nightmares, I am offering further descriptions of dream symbols from my list of Top 25 Dream Symbols.
Today, animals are the dream meaning topic. As in dictionaries for a particular language, there are some words that can be used for various meanings. There are also basic words and symbols in all languages that are understood collectively as to their meaning. The same goes for dream language. There are basic symbols which are understood by all of our minds as to their meaning.
Animals in general represent habits, urges, instincts and aspects we attribute to them which are found in ourselves. Personality/characteristic of the dreamer. In many societies animals are revered and respected for their qualities; speed, beauty, strength, courage, vision and so forth. Unfortunately, some “civilized” societies take animals for granted and look at them as lower creatures to be exploited. God gave us dominion over animals to take care of them not to abuse and exploit them for our own use. However, you feel about animals and particular types of animals you may dream of will depend on your view/feeling within yourself as to what habit, urge, instinct or characteristic you associate with that member of the animal kingdom.
Animals in dreams can symbolize good or bad strong emotions, survival instincts, attitudes, behaviour,untamed desires and sub-conscious urges. They too can mean playfullness, intuition, natural urges. And since each animal is known for particular traits then that trait is usually what it symbolizes within ourselves or phase of life or how we are portraying ourselves to the outside world – maybe a little of both when we dream of particular animals.
Domesticated animals such as dogs and cats represent partially trained aspects of ourselves. In some cases if they belong to another person it could represent some clue to that person it belongs to. For example, if you dream your friends cat hisses at you, this could mean your friend had a hissy fit recently with you!
Remember, when interpreting your dreams the meanings I give are general guide lines and how you feel and your experiences are what really matter when understanding what a dream symbol means in your dream. Also, take into consideration your culture, history and spiritual beliefs as to what animals or any other symbols mean to you. For me, personally, a wolf means independence, fierce, leadership, family commitment, resourcefullness, beauty but most people think of wolves as sneaky, deceptive, vicious, scary – big bad wolf or wolf in sheeps clothing. Most dream dictionaries have a wolf as a negative conotation.
Dreams Meaning: Animals
Dog(s) can represent faithfullness, friendship, loyalty, protection, disciplined behaviour and love IF you like dogs or have a dog. However, if you don’t like dogs and your experience with dogs has been negative then your dream of a dog could mean pain, loss or fear. Again, look at the type of dog and its actions and your actions in the dream to understand the message.
Your Dog: Partially trained aspects of yourself that you are aware of and are trying to train or control. How do you feel about your dog and what characteristics do you feel about him/her? List these in your dream journal for reference. For me personally, I love dogs and love my dog. The first things I think of when I think of him are: true love, loyalty, commitment and faithfullness. I often dream of him running away, or I have lost him and can’t find him and I am so broken hearted. This I know refers to my feelings and painful experience of losing someone I really loved. It points to my fear of loss of love and not finding love.
Cats: Intuitive, sneaky, playful, detached, aloof, curious, sensous, stubborn, independent. Or can be catty, scaredy cat. Remember ask yourself first what cats mean to you.
Horse: Strong physical force, energies, freedom, will power. How you control the “horse” is how in control within you or your situation.
Fish: Fish symbolizes religious or spiritual meaning for Christians – Christ, spiritual food or thought. Can also mean something is fishy, slippery, hard to catch which then could indicate caution for the dreamer.
Bear: Powerful, destructive, scary, bad tempered or playful and protective. Over’bearing’, pushy and uses power to scare others into doing their bidding.
Cow: Good provider, cash cow, peaceful, obedient tends to go along with the herd (the group).
Lion: King of the Jungle! royal qualities, power, courage, dominion. If you are taming a lion it means you are in control of your lower instincts within yourself.
Mouse: Meek, fearful, mousey-lack of assertiveness. Could symbolize small irritations or problems.
Rat: Poverty, sneaky, underhanded, filth and disease. Could also mean tattle tale, squealer. Reference to ‘ratting’ someone out. Or “you dirty rat” meaning betrayl, bad dealings, liar.
Snake: Sex, sexual energies, temptation or fears. Or can be a pun snake in the grass for sneakiness.
Serpent: Mind power, clarivoyance, wisdome, creative force, spiritual awareness or kundalini when the emotions in the dream are positive. Could also mean sex, sexual desire, lies, temptation, evil and deception.
There are many, many animals to dream of but I hope these few animal dream symbols I have listed are of help to you interpreting your own dreams. Remember, it is YOUR dream and I can help and guide you to understanding the message with dream symbol guides but you must look at the dream as one big picture – the background, people, emotions, animals, etc and put it all together. I invite you to explore your dreams and utilize dreams as therapy to further your personal growth.
Have blessed and dreamy day!