Dreaming of taking tests and/or examinations are about knowing the truth. This dream symbol/meaning has to do with self esteem and confidence or lack of it. Being prepared or not, making the grade or not, measuring up to other people’s expectations or fear of not being good enough. The most important test of our lives is knowing our own goals, standards, hopes and wishes. Being crystal clear about what you want in life and standing up for what you believe and living YOUR own life on YOUR terms.
For further insight into the area where you feel you are being tested in, look at what the test was on in your dream. It is normal to dream of being tested, taking a test etc occasionally because it challenges us to work better at goals we are trying to achieve. However, to dream of tests often or repeatedly point to a lack of confidence in ourselves or not measuring up to other peoples imposed standards on us. Both indicate a need to heal yourself, improve your self confidence and start listening to and follow through what you KNOW to be true for you and not others imposed expectations of you. Having a low self esteem is much of the cause of our failure or fear of failure. Having these dreams of tests and being tested repeatedly is a message from your soul telling/showing us where we need to work on and heal ourselves.
Let’s look closer at types of dream tests and their possible meanings:
Fear of Failure: This fear is one most of us are familiar with in one way or another. The dreams of being not prepared is showing us just how we really feel about ourselves. Lacking confidence and being afraid. Many of us fear that we will not measure up the expectations or standards imposed by our family, spouse, friends, or boss. The test dream can point this out if we are not consciously aware of this feeling or are side stepping it and not dealing with it. Remember, what YOUR goals are not other peoples goals for you, YOUR expectations and standards not other people is a test of your self confidence and ability to live YOUR life for you. When you do this life opens up and meets you and supports you in all ways.
Being Unprepared for a Test: This dream is pointing out to your feelings of being unprepared or incapable of handling a circumstance you are in or life in general. Many dream of unpreparedness include missing the bus or ride to the test/school, or losing your books, pens or not being able to find the classroom where you are to take the test. When you have these dreams think about what you are not willing to take or deal with currently. Because having this dream of unpreparedness is showing you just that.
Spiritual Tests: These types of dream tests are basically in a calm, pretty and serene. Mostly outside or in a temple, place of worship-church or cathedral type background setting. These dreams are very occasional and you may not remember the dream completely, only parts like an initiation or angels or a spiritual or mentor being around you. The feelings upon waking and throughout the dream will be mostly feelings of peace, devotion, love and joy.
Sweet Dreams.