Using affirmations to change, improve and reprogram our subconscious minds work wonders and do bring about wonderful changes in our lives. The main point about working with affirmations is that you want the wording to work for you. Feelings and emotions behind a thought is what helps the speed at which the desire manifests. Therefore, it is important
that your affirmation sparks those good vibrations, feelings and emotions to get the manifesting ball rolling. For example, some people like lengthy ones and others like shore and sweet. Some like it to rhyme and some like to sing it. Whatever works for you is best. But as you are saying your affirmation you will notice how well they are working by what your dreams reflect you.
Let’s use money as an example. You are needing some money or wanting to add more prosperity to your life so you start using an affirmation: People Love To Give Me Money. And you are saying this all day and night
to yourself and having a great feeling and thinking Wow this is great and then that night you dream a dream that is dark and dreary etc. The dream points out to you that you have a block to receiving money
or that you just don’t believe that people would randomly give you money. Voila! the block is revealed. Thank yourself for pointing out this subconscious belief. This block can be changed but until you dreamt it you were unaware of this subconscious belief or disbelief and an affirmation will work for you once you change that belief.
In fact, any of us who are not in the flow of money and prosperity have some kind of basic subconscious block to riches and prosperity.
How do you change the blocks? in a word, visualization. I suggest that you take your ‘block’ and I will continue here with prosperity. Get into a meditative state, or just quiet the mind. Now repeat your affirmation
and see, feel and hear the affirmation – use all your senses in a scene that you could conceive and believe happening.
If you cannot conceive the idea and believe it with all your heart then you must use an affirmation that works for you.
Once you find the affirmation that clicks with you and as you change your belief (block) in your subconcious mind your night time dreams may show you how you are progressing or your dreams can also show you when you need to change your goals or when outdated beliefs are blocking your way of real spiritual truths.
Positive money beliefs in dreams can be represented by having gold, silver, money, jewelry, being surrounded by oppulence in your dream backgrounds, luxury, etc
Sweet, Prosperous Dreams!