“Heartbreaks and promises, I have more than my share” have been the words playing in my mind over and over for the past week. I wake up singing these words in my head. This song is one of my jam’s that I love to dance to from the 90’s “Show Me Love” by Robin S and it’s on been on repeat in my head throughout the day for like 5 days. Like someone nagging you for attention! Have you ever woken up with song playing in your head?
What I mean, is this isn’t happening because I heard this song recently or maybe I did but I haven’t consciously played it or heard it recently. It’s not like when you hear an annoying song/tune and its stuck in your head so annoyingly – like for me, it’s that “baby shark” song! No, not like that. You see, I have had this “song” thing happen to me for as long as I can remember. Like dreaming, I have remembered my dreams all the way back through my childhood. Same with this song in my head thing. Often when I wake up in the mornings there is a song, a random song playing in my head. And they have been songs of from all genre’s – sometimes rock, pop, country, old hymns, etc. I didn’t pay too much attention except to note the song and wondered how or why did that particular song show up? – like songs that I know but don’t necessarily like or listen to, ever. Eventually, as my day progressed they would sometimes fade but later on when I was quiet, it would come back or still be there. Similar to waking up from a dream and there is one part that is so vivid or feeling so real from the dream that it just stays with you all day.
I decided, to treat this “song in my head” situation similar to interpreting a dream or part of dream remembered that plays over and over? Maybe, like a remembered dream, the words of the song is my subconscious trying to convey something to me – maybe important, maybe not. Either way, by figuring it out, it could stop the repetitive tune that is driving me nuts!
Here’s the break down of my interpretation:
Title of Song: Show Me Love = show myself more love, life needs to show me some love,
Repeated words: heartbreak and promises I have had more than my share = definitely true, just taken at face value. Heartbreaks over broken relationships, job loss, death of loved ones… promises broken (yep from others and to myself).
Current happening in my daily life: I have been listening to a dear friend lamenting about her dating life, her relationship status and her online dating experiences. I offer my advice and tell many of my past dating/relationship stories too. (memories of my past heartbreaks and promises)
An obvious interpretation would be romantically driven due to the actual meaning of the song. However, the words and their meaning are what I am focusing on – “heartbreaks and promises I have had more than my share” how have I broken my own heart and promises to myself? I have recently been thinking on some goals and dreams and letting go of old worn out dreams and goals that didn’t come to fruition. Some I have changed my mind on because I have outgrown them. My subconscious feelings of breaking my own heart/promises over unfulfilled dreams.
Conclusion: Either it’s my empathy for my young friends dating/relationship dilemma and or its me reflecting deeper at my own heartbreaks and broken promises. I am maybe asking life to Show me love by not beating up on myself for the past heartbreaks and broken promises that I cannot change or have no control over.