Lately, I have noticed an uptick on articles on various news sites about people having lots of anxiety dreams – due to our nation and most of the world on “quarantine shelter in place” mode. This did not surprise me as I have had one or two myself. Basically, our world; work, social and our private lives have been turned upside down and so it is natural that one’s dreams would reflect such. Below, I have listed some of the most common anxiety dream themes and or symbolism to help you understand your own dreams better.
Anxiety Dream Symbols and Themes:
1.) Falling: Overall a dream of falling is a feeling of insecurity in an area of your life; job loss, relationship loss, financial loss. A dream of falling indicates you are in a feeling panic about a situation you cannot control. It can also mean you are in a situation that you are heading for a fall or about to hit rock bottom.
2.) Being Chased in a dream is indication that you are running from a situation or avoiding a situation/problem.
3.) Losing Teeth, falling out teeth, pulling teeth: Teeth in general represent our power, assertiveness and our ability to “sink your teeth” into something, “chew” on something. Dreams of missing, loose, losing, falling out or being pulled teeth indicate you feel out of or loss of control in a situation, or you have “bitten off more than you can chew – can’t chew”.
4.) Being Late: This dream commonly occurs when one is feeling unprepared, overwhelmed with changes in life that you feel you can’t handle. These include dreams of missing an appointment, being late, missing flights or rides. *** Airports can play a part of the background or be the focal point such as arriving late, an empty airport, or can’t find your gate at the airport. In general, airports in dreams symbolize aspirations, goals, going places. So if you miss your plane, can’t find your gate or the airport is empty this is an anxiety dream about your aspirations unfulfilled and possible missed opportunities.
5.) Being Naked: To be naked in a dream and everyone else dressed or naked in public is saying you feel embarrassed, shame, or vulnerable about a situation. Being naked can also indicate problems within your intimate relationship being vulnerable, lack of trust and lack of privacy.
6.) Loss of valuables: fear of losing what is valuable to you or you have lost sight of what is important to you by a stressful situation you are dealing with.
7.) Feeling Trapped or being caught: To dream you are trapped in room, in an actual animal trap, is a dream of being “caught” up in a situation you see no way out.
8) Forgetting your pet: to care for or that you have one: Fear of something happening to one or something that is loved. It is a feeling of panic, or horror that you made decision that led to hurt something you love.
9.) Bugs/Insects: Bugs all over you or seeing bugs can indicate something is really bugging you, you have a bug, bugging out.
10.) Dirty, muddy water: Water is emotional state of mind and muddy or dirty water is a symbol of negative or sad thinking/feeling. Not thinking clearly about a situation.