Dreaming of Money?
Money symbolizes exchange value and worth or riches and wealth. Money can mean rewards (material) for your work (mind or body) an exchange of energies. Things of value would be a new talent you weren’t aware you had, a new quality, skill or gift within you.Your personal value and how you feel or see yourself. Or giving or getting credit, paying attention, acknowledgement. It could also represent a new vision or new understanding of something. When interpreting money dreams start with who, what, when, where and why of the dream. What is a stand out moment or object in the dream and what are your emotions?
Money Dream Meanings: Power to do, be or have, your resourcefulness, your energy and self-esteem.
Here is a list of common money dream symbols and meanings:
Change: Did you dream of receiving or finding change this could be a pun on the word change and indicate small changes coming to you or that you are going through now. Or could mean small change not enough to count = not worth the effort.
Coins: Generally mean blessings or opportunities we don’t count or recognize.
Old Coins (rare): could mean an old debt being repaid to you or abundance coming to you beyond your expectations.
Silver Coins: Silver is always represents spiritual gifts and silver coins equal spiritual wealth
Gold Coins: Material/physical wealth indicated
Counting Money: Adding things up, reviewing or assessing yourself. How much do I mean or am worth. Could also mean you have become aware of a new idea that can be counted to be successful.
Found/Finding Money: Positive meaning that your life endeavors will/being realized successfully. Things are improving and getting better. Regarding your work, you will be successful in completing project. Realizing your self-worth, ability to value areas, situations, people you may have been taking for granted lately.
Finding Money that is not yours: Receiving praise, acknowledgement you don’t feel is yours or undeserved.
Paying Somebody: things are going to be a challenge, time for you to pay up, price you have to pay.
Losing Money: Big challenges ahead or currently. Obstacles to face and overcome; can indicate you are currently having financial setbacks. Or if you aren’t having financial problems and you have plenty of money this dream can mean you have a fear of losing all you have Or you are not feeling worthy of your wealth and success.
Being Robbed: Yikes! could mean you are thinking very negatively and robbing yourself (your lack of confidence/ability in a situation), being taken advantage of by others or another. Or a missed opportunity.
Stealing Money: Oops! This is you doing whatever it takes even if its with disregard to your integrity, morals, lack of honor. This is can also be a warning to you that you are having a bad attitude towards others/life.
Bills: Big ones (50,100,) means prosperity. Small ones means poverty, inadequate amount. Paper money can also refer to opportunities. Can indicate you have a lot of bills to pay.
Winning Money: Lucky feeling in all areas of life not just in your money/finances but also in love, work, etc. You have a winning attitude and are able to attract winning situations or and opportunities. The ability to attract what you desire.