Below I have listed a few ideas to establish or enhance your bedtime routine and help you get to sleep and peaceful dream land.
* Have a nice cup of tea (chamomile is a nice choice.) I love “Sweet Dreams” by Bigelow Teas
* Take a few deep breaths and feel the day’s stresses go out with each exhale
* Visualize your next day exactly how you want it to go as if it has already happened then ask God or your angels to bless it and bring you messages in your dreams.
* Read something inspirational, listen to relaxing music or if you must watch t.v. a funny or romantic feel good show is best. Leave the news programs, crime and horror flicks off.
* A nice fragrance of lavender or a personal favorite of mine White Angelica on your person, pillow or sachet under your pillow
* Pray as though what you are asking for is already done.
* Meditate
* Write in your journal. It really helps to purge all that stuff in our heads and then it is not as likely to keep us up once it is out on paper.
Last but not least these two things have worked for me when all else has not: I kiss my pillow and tell it I want to go to sleep now. I know it sounds silly but it really does work. The other idea is that I simply say to my angels, “I am really ready for sleep can you help me to sleep now? Thank you.” And before I realize it I am sleeping peacefully and in dreamland.
Sweet Dreams!