Calling For A Sign:
Most recently, I have called on a sign to help me make a very hard decision of knowing when to “put to sleep” a dearly beloved pet.
My cat Chloe and I have been together since she picked me out at the shelter 16 years ago. She was the third addition to my cat family, of two boy cats who I had already been adopted by 5 years before. Since our journey together she has moved with me 3 times, seen her two “brother” cats pass on to the rainbow bridge and has gracefully loved my dog Pierre since he was introduced to her 7 years ago and has seen me in every emotional state possible! A few weeks ago, I noticed she was not up to par. I took her in for her annual and grooming and when I picked her up that day she seemed to have a stuffy nose. For the next 10 days she did not eat or drink and lost 6 pounds. Basically, I was feeding her and giving her water with a syringe every hour. She became severely dehydrated and with one of my other cats I had been through this before and the outlook did not look good for her. I called the vet and we discussed her various problems and her quality of life. I made the appointment for Friday.
That night, I prayed and wrote a letter to God then sat down next to her and told her and the universe: “Listen, I need a sign from you that if it is time for you to go on…if you are ready to go then nothing will change between now and tomorrow. However, if you are not ready to go I request the sign that you get up and eat and drink on your own.”
Four hours later, I was in the kitchen cooking and one of the ingredients I was using was tuna. After opening the can, lo’ and behold here she is in the kitchen meowing and rubbing against me. I picked her up and noticed her nose was completely cleared and she was breathing fine. I put some of the tuna in her bowl and she ate it all, then I opened another can of her food and she ate it all, she then drank from her water dish. Today, one week later, she is still eating and drinking on her own and up and about. It was not time, yet. I thanked the Universe and God for the sign. We are taking it one day at a time.
I have called on signs from friends and loved ones who have passed on to let me know that they hear me talking to them or that they are around. I have called on signs about jobs to take or not take or how to deal with situations. I have called on signs or symbols for knowing which direction I should go in driving or in life!
Why don’t you try calling for a sign to help you? It can be fun and it doesn’t have to be anything major if you are just starting out. Ask your question and see where the answer comes from. Be wise to your intuition or inner voice and what it is telling you.
But, you don’t always have to call on a sign or symbol to receive one you just need to be aware of them and or coincidences, premonitions, or synchronicities and then figure out what that means for you. Here is another recent example from my own situation:
This past weekend I went to meet some friends for a coffee at a book store. I happen to put on a pendant that was a Christmas gift from parents of a former friend. This friend and I had been very good friends for years but have not spoken now for three years. Nevertheless, I still cherish the memories of our friendship and move forward and love the pendant and still wear it. This pendant is made of crystal glass and is substantial in size. And with no seeming cause, I was not pulling on it or playing with it…just standing there when it slipped from the chain and fell to the floor smashing in a million tiny pieces. My inner knowing immediately went off that this was a symbol or sign of something in my life that is going on. After a day or so of contemplation, I have come to the conclusion that it is a symbol for a break through about to happen in my life and that when things are shattered particularly glass, an illusion is broken and I can see my life more clearly. In addition, perhaps pertaining to the former friendship that the piece represented, it is completely shattered and I had made the decision (months ago) that our friendship was one that was completed. I had forgiven her and moved on and hope the best for her wherever she is now.
After death communications:
I have loved and lost to death many friends and family and I have my own special symbols and signs that I request from them when I am saying hello or needed help with grieving to know they are ok and that they hear me or for them to let me know they are near. Sometimes a sign from them comes in a dream or they visit me in the dream or during the day. With some it is a particular song, some a flower or color or movie …. It something that is personal that connected me and that person while they were here.
There are so many ways our life and Spirit speaks to us if we would just open up and listen and pay attention. We really do have all the help we need and we are not alone.
I recommend highly my favorite book The Secret Language of Signs from healer Denise Linn click here for link to book: The Secret Language of Signs
As I always say, remember we are the only one’s that can truly know what things mean to us and I only offer to help you understand and coach you through the process of discovering your souls messages for you.
Pleas feel free to comment or ask me any questions that you may have pertaining to the subject manner of the site – dreams, signs, spirit communication, or metaphysical topics.
Sweet Dreams.
When I in deep concentration praying I end up speaking the other tongue I be never hear before . I can not even hear my self and I have dream of angel once what is it really about me
If you are a praying to Jesus Christ and you are a believer of and been saved, you could be blessed with the gift of tongues.
For further information on that you could start here:
Many blessings to you.