It is not only in our dreams that we receive messages from our soul. Everyday of our lives, in each moment the universe, Spirit or God is speaking to us in dreams, signs, symbols, coincidences and synchronicities too. At night when we go to sleep you can ask for a dream to clarify a situation, inspire you or help you make an important decision. We can apply the same technique in our waking time to by asking the universe for a sign or symbol that will help us make a right choice, ease our minds or help us with conditions in our life. They are messages that can pertain to your current life, your future life or something you really need to know.
Where do Signs come from?
Signs come from cultures, religions, secret societies, your heritage and the collective unconscious of the human race. I cannot tell you all the history and information here in this article regarding signs and symbols, it is much too much for here and now in my article. I can tell you if you have seen the movies, The DaVinci Code or Angels and Demons that Tom Hanks plays the character role of Robert Langdon who studies signs and is a professor of sort on signs and symbols. Basically, signs serve as messengers of important information about your current life or future or can be reflections of what is going on with you in your life and inside of you. I believe that signs are from all mentioned above and God, Spirit or the Universe – Whatever you feel comfortable calling The ALL That Is. And I am happy to share with you my experiences and knowledge gleaned from signs in my life.
How do signs work?
I have called on signs or symbols for many years, even though I don’t recall when and where I first used one. I know that I have always known that even little things, coincidences mean something more than first thought to mean. Have you ever been in a hurry and when you are trying to leave your house or office the phone rings, then you drop your briefcase and papers go flying, then you cannot find your keys and the darn situation just keeps going on and on and you are thinking to yourself “damn I just want to go what is the deal here?!” Then just as you take a moment, take a deep breath, your intuition tells you to just wait. Just then call comes in that was your friend that you were rushing out the door to meet telling you they are canceling or maybe the elevator got stuck and had you been on it you would have been stuck in it too. This is a messenger sign letting you know that hey wait a minute your timing is off…just wait.
Signs also reflect our inner world, acknowledged or not and they reflect our beliefs. This where the like attracts like thing comes into play too. If you are person who thinks all wealthy people are crooks then you will only see and hear stories and experience wealthy people who are crooks. Even if you are conscious of thinking no not all wealthy people are crooks your inner core belief still radiates out that energy or all rich people are crooks and that is what you attract. You must deal with the belief at the core subconscious level in order to eradicate it and change it for the better for you to attract better. If you really want to know what you truly feel and believe look around your life and see who and what is in it and what its reflecting to you.
How do signs appear in your life?
As mentioned above, it can be something not going along as you like it, being delayed obviously! If you ask the universe for a sign here are a few ways that the sign can appear to you:
Dreams: These dream signs can be coming from Spirit and or both your higher self pay attention to the most outstanding symbol, sign, word, phrase, emotion or song from a dream and see how it plays out in your waking life to understand it’s message.
Conversations: Pay attention to conversations, “slips of the tongue”, or over heard conversations (there is a reason they are having the conversation for you to be able to hear it.) Practice more on truly listening and not thinking about what you are going to say when you are in a conversation in order to hear messages for you. Be in the moment.
Random thoughts: Pay attention to fleeting seemingly random thoughts that pass through your mind while you are doing something or being “normal
Songs/Music: Have you ever started singing a song or humming a tune or I personally wake up almost every morning with some random song in my head. What are the words or title it could be a message for you.
Radio, Television and Movies: Words, scenes, commentary can all be a conveyance for a message to get to you.
Books, magazines, billboards, printed words: A word or phrase will jump out at you from the page. Sometimes, for a quick reading or answer to a question I will grab a book and sit with it for a few minutes quiet my mind and then ask a question and open the book and see what the first word or sentence to jump out at me says. Many times, it is just what I need to know.
People: People (known and unknown) can be put on your path to cross with you and give you the answer you need. If you think of a particular person that usually means to call them or see them that they have a message for you. Every single person is meant to see you or cross paths and you them otherwise we would not see them. Just think, you could be carrying a message for them too. It’s not always about us!
These are just a few ways signs are present in our lives or that we can call on signs and look for their message to come from. Part II to this article in the following post.
As I always say, remember we are the only one’s that can truly know what things mean to us. I only offer to help you to understand and coach you through the process of discovering the meaning of your soul messages for you.
I welcome your comments and or questions and I am glad to be of help with dreams, signs, spirit communication or metaphysical related questions.
Sweet Dreams.
I completely agree. We have the ability to get the answers we need; it is the slowing down and being quiet part that is difficult. We are always rushing!
I love getting messages from my dreams and you are a great person to help with interpretations that I cannot figure out. So thank you!
How can we know that this particular dreams is furture dreams and the dreams are so complex that it hard to come to a particular point that what message it give you . How to do that
Can you please help me by providing ur views
If you are asking me about a psychic dream by meaning a dream of the future then the way you can distinguish between a psychic dream and a subconsious dream many times is through the clarity of the dream. Psychic dreams are usually vivid in color, realistic meaning things and you and places are usual and not some dreamscape of symbols that mean other things. By keeping a dream journal and date it so that if what you dreamt came true. Psychic dreams can come to fruition at various times there is no set time when it will happen if ever. Some of the psychic dreams I have had come around within two – three days to two weeks.
I don’t remember my dreams, however, if I wake in the middle of one, I can understand the message being delivered to me. I say thank you and go back to sleep. My recent paintings are coming from energy which manifested in a physical form, within the last 2 years. All very wonderful.
Thanks for your insight.
very cool. thank you for stopping by.
sweet and creative dreaming to you.
Great article! Well done! I don’t believe in coincidences but in the theory that everything happens for a reason. So, it’s all about signs to me. The crack is that sometimes it is extremely difficult to interpret them, as if it is getting more and more confusing by trying to piece them together.
I don’t thing God designed us to know everything. so when we keep trying to piece things together all the time it does get confusing and overwhelming. But what is fun, for me, is the amazing way God works and when we get a glimpse of how cool it was that one thing happened that seemingly, at first look is random, then you see it was such a huge link in a chain or string of events that led to something else. And that our entire life is not event to event but a long, winding, connected “string” of constant happenings. (guess that is the best way for me to put it).
Thank you for stopping by my site Antonia!
Many Blessing to you.
I;ve come to know a certain Frenchman recently and have been receiving numerous signs about it. And dreams too. I’ve never dreamt so much about a man before. I don’t know what to do with these signs/dreams. I want to believe them, I want to believe that these signs are telling me he’s the one. But I also know that we sometimes see what we want to see.
How do I make sense of all these signs and dreams?
Hi there,
You are correct – many times we get caught up in our own wishes and desires and really want something and can take any sign to mean what we want it to mean!
However, I would perhaps try to look at the situation from a different view: Try and look at it if one of your friends was having this same thing and then what would you tell that friend? Remember, we can have all sorts of dreams and signs of someone and something happening but unless in real life this person is actually involved with you and actively pursuing you and you are both involved with each other in waking life – then it’s just a dream wish.
Hope this helps and wishing you love and happiness.