Have you ever had a dream of school? Being in school? Or going to school?
Many of us have at one time or another. As listed in my top 25 dream symbols school is one of the common dream themes we understand as a group. The dream symbol is usually the background theme of a dream and can be an action symbol (learning) when interpreting your dream. This can be your level of learning (school) of thought. Pay attention to what grade level you are attending in the dream, as this is an indication as to what level you are operating at in regards to a particular situation. School can also be a negative aspect of feeling indoctrinated. A school is considered a building as in school house or school building (duh?) and buildings represent our various states of consciousness, awareness, associations and general belief system. The type of building in your dream points out a particular state of consciousness in your dream.
In general, school pertains to learning or opportunity for knowledge, growth experience, expansion of consciousness or mind improvement. Level or type of school would indicate your level of learning. i.e. kindergarten, grade school, high school, college. College, University and Graduate School are places of higher academia, specialized and or more focused training, advanced learning and training. These are places of exchange of ideas, trying new things, and also these are places of social and cultural concepts and changes.
Perhaps you have had a dream of being in a particular class or classroom, this could indicate that there is room for further learning on a particular subject. Were there any books or anything written on the chalk board or maybe decorations that could point you to what the subject is. Was there a specific teacher there? What do you associate that teacher with (if you had her/him in the past)? If the teacher is a friend or parent or relative this teacher characterizes someone in your life that is capable of teaching something important. Think of what that teacher represents to you. Maybe play the association game or the first three thoughts that come to mind when you think of that person. These can all help disifer the dream message.
Having school work is a reminder to us that we must keep working hard and applying ourselves if we want to learn.
If you are attending school right now and dream of being at a lower level or higher level than you are in your waking life, this is like others dreaming of their workplace. It would indicate your level of knowledge or behaviour in a particular area. Maybe you are acting like a pre-schooler or are you smarter than a fifth grader? Or it’s all elementary my dear. Again, as I always say interpreting your dreams takes time and you must look at all things as a puzzle that fit together to understand the message.
Sweet Dreams!