Did you know that people who are natural problem solvers hardly ever experience nightmares? That is because they figure out and solve their problems in their waking life and before sleeping. Problems are what nightmares are basically about. Modern research says that there is a link connecting our problems (mentally, physically or emotionally) to our having nightmares and whether we are physically in good health or not. Also, people who’s personality are more open, sensitive and vulnerable by nature tend to have more nightmares.
A nightmare is a subconscious manifestation of a problem or fear we don’t want to face or we prefer to run away from and hope it will dissappear. But we all know what we resist persists and so eventually those problems we don’t deal with show up as nightmares. And those nightmares will become recurring if we don’t deal with the problems or fears at once.
Remember your problem is your teacher. We all tend to not want to deal with things that are painful, scary, ugly or distasteful or upsetting to us. But if we could realize that within our problems are our lessons in life and look at them that way maybe we will be more apt to deal with them. We are all here on earth to become better people, wiser, more loving to ourselves and each other and grow to overcome. And our problems are like the battle field we must pass through in order to proceed to the promised land.
Nightmares always have a dark background and there is always scary shadows, figures or threatening animals, monsters or demons. Of course, these figures evoke terror and we try to run and escape them in some way only we never seem to get away. The nightmare is saying what we are trying to do in waking life… runaway from our problems and the nightmare is telling us THERE IS NO RUNNING AWAY! NOWHERE TO HIDE! If we deal with the outside or waking life problems than there will be no nightmares. In addition, in our dreams we need to begin to stop running and start to confront our monsters and demons within the nightmare. Ask it questions of “Who are you?” “What do you want?” and most important state “I will not let you control me or hurt me.” Often this questioning will turn the monster into a mouse. Psychologists say that if we can deal with the problem in the dream than we can handle the issue and resolve it in our daily life. Then there is no need for your subconscious to conjure up the nightmare and wouldn’t that be great to never have another nighmare again?!
Below is a list of some common nightmare themes and there possible meanings. Remember, these are just guidelines and not definite meanings as we all dream our own symbols in our personal dream language.
Fear in general: background of school or place of work can mean fear of failure, or fear to confront a teacher or boss about a problem. Could also be fear of your mate if you are married or in-laws who tell you what you can and cannot do. Basically, anyone who tries to control you and take away your freedom and right to freely be you and express yourself can be looked at for figuring out who the monster or demon or scary person is in your nightmare.
Shadows: These can be unformed or hypothetical situations or problems that are not real at all. Something you are afraid of that probably will never happen but yet you are letting the mental creation of the problem form and bother you.
Running Away or being chased: the obvious of you trying to runaway from your problem. The best thing to do is stop running in the dream turn and confront the pursuer (monster, whatever) and face your enemy and demand who and what it is and what does it want. Try and resolve it in the dream and make peace with it. This will pave the way to resovlving the problem when you wake up.
Being Trapped: Are you feeling trapped at work, in your job, your marriage or relationship or some situation? This could indicate you need some space, some time alone or more privacy for yourself. Remember it is important to honor and nurture ourselves in order to give to others. An empty vessel cannot pour anything out.
I hope this helps you in handling and getting rid of your nightmares. To further explore your dreams and their meanings and messages I invite you to contact me. Click the top right of the page for dream interpretation.
Sweet Dreams!
Amazing. This article honestly me figure out a nightmare I had time and time again when I was a child. Thanks. Good job!
This is very interesting considering my husband is the problem solving type and has considerably less nightmares than I do. I guess if you have “emotional backup” then it has to go somewhere.