Money makes the world go around, the world go around that clinking clanking sound, money, money, money.. I love that song from the old movie Cabaret with Liza Minelli.. Anyway, I love dreaming of money and of course receiving money! Below is continuation of my top 25 Dream Symbol meanings one by one more indepth and money dreams are it today.
Money symbolizes exchange value and worth or riches and wealth. Money can mean rewards (material) for your work (mind or body) an exchange of energies or possibly mean a karmic gain/debt. Things of value would be a new talent you weren’t aware you had, a new quality or gift within you.It could also represent a new vision or new understanding of something. Look at how you are receiving money/valuables to interpret how you feel about yourself.
Change: Did you dream of receiving or finding change this could be a pun on the word change and indicate small changes coming to you or that you are going through now. Or could mean small change not enough to count = not worth the effort.
Coins: Generally mean blessings or opportunities we don’t count or recogonize
Old Coins (rare): could mean an old debt being repaid to you or abundance coming to you beyond your expectations.
Silver Coins: Silver is always represents spiritual gifts and silver coins equal spiritual wealth
Gold Coins: Material/physical wealth indicated
Found Money: Suddenly found or discovered or realized talents, opportunities or blessings!
Bills: Big ones (50,100,) means prosperity. Small ones means poverty, inadequate amount. Paper money can alos refer to opportunities.
Remember, when interpreting your dreams take into account the entire dream around the symbol that stands out. The feeling experienced in the dream and upon waking. Look at the background, people, what are your actions. In order to discover the entire message of the dream it takes looking at all aspects.
Have a blessed and prosperous day!
thanks for this great blog/site. do you mean dreaming of exactly 50,100 or anything above it?
i keep dreaming about money in numbers. first i dug up silver coins in golden sand, then next night someone saying $95,00 clams. then next night saw a banner for a hotel $19.99, but heard someone say it is about $20. Then next i sold a car for $32,000. i see signs in waking life of money coming. i really am feeling impatient about the whole thing.
have searched on the net and can not find large numbers except here.
can you explain this?
thank you so much for your time,
Hi S.,
First let me apologize for not getting a reply to you quickly. This site is a labor of love as I do have a “daytime” or “real” job in retail so the holiday season left me little time to spend with my passion, this site.
For your dreaming of money: There is no exact meaning to anything as there are different meanings apply to different people. With that said here is some help in guiding you to what feels right to you. 50,100 I would take the 5 and 1 added equals 6 and the zero’s would give the meaning more power or influence. 6 in numerology can mean “perfection, harmony, completion or cycle of creation”
Also though we could consider 50 as a number itself as it is what is in numerology a master number. 50 is the Holy of Holies and a very sacred number, a key to God’s Grace. The number 1 can mean, first, pioneer, original, beginnings and the zero’s behind it the power of importance and emphasis to that meaning.
Money in dreams is not just about money but about self worth, value of …, it can mean reward, payment for your physical labor or mind.. in other words payment or reward for work done, karma paid up.
In short your dream says to me that recently you may have discovered new ways to make money, or maybe you have been considering a new job that will pay beyond your expectations. Or have you recently been working on a project or self employment that is about to really improve your financial situation? Have you discovered a new you or been thinking about personal reinvention?
This dream to me says you are in the midst of positive change, new beginnings, don’t sell out for less when you have wonderful rewards coming to you. Sometimes everything seems to fall apart before something wonderful happens. This has to happen to all of us in change for something has to be let go and dissolved for something else to come in.
I hope this helps.
Many Blessings to you and A Happy New Year full of love, health and prosperity.
Nice interpretation
Hi, i had beautiful dreaming alot of bank notes in an envalope give to me by my father and he said with tears that he loves me and he wants me to have all this. What does this mean please??? Thank you. God Bless. Mal
A symbolic dream meaning of your self worth and God’s love for you. As Jesus says in the bible: Fear not little flock. It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Many Blessings,
Cheri Lee
I dreamed a man I didn’t know forgot 2 train tickets equaling 700 dollars and a 100 hundred dollar bill and a 50 dollar bill at a barbershop I was investigating (i was a detective). At first I was going to keep the money because in my mind he shouldnt have been so irresponsible and lost it, and just give back train tickets. But after I listened to his story, goals, and ambitions I decided not to keep the money and give it back to him along with the train tickets.
Are you thinking and investigating going into business/relationship? Taking a partner on? Seems like you are making a decision about whether or not to believe or have faith in a “journey” you are about to take i.e. an expensive (lots of time, energy, devotion and money) that you are not sure at first and are too quick to judge a situation without knowing the details. This is something or someone you really don’t know yet – a real person, situation or a shadow part of your self you don’t really know.
Many Blessings,
I dreamed my eldest son came to me on two different occasions and brought me a hand full of silver coins and small folded paper money…..silver and twenties then silver and tens. I took the money to go pay my light and water bills as I was walking I began finding silver dollars and other silver coins all over the streets. I was excited and could not believe I was finding so many coins all over the streets.
Your dream is about receiving blessings from a situation you have put a lot into for many years (possibly as long as your son is in age) like a job, project or could even mean your son actually. Now you are reaping the benefits of all you have sown into this situation like love, attention, dedication, focus etc. More than enough to cover your basic needs but then some!
Keep on sowing good and you will reap good!!!
Many blessings,
Thanks alot n may God bless u cheri, i dreamt when i was receiving huge bundles of money from the bulion van,it was really alot so after wards i went shopping i gave it to some one to exchange it for me n he brought it back changed to my currency as i was going to tip him i woke up.praise God.
Carol, you are receiving much for what you have been giving! You have been doing lots of good and blessing others and now you are reaping what you have sown. Great dream!
In my dream I dreamt that the atm machine along with my bank card got charred. then miraculously my card became OK. Then to my amazement I found wads of new Dollar bills which i promptly put into my front shirt pocket. What does this dream mean?
Seems you are burning through money pretty fast or perhaps spending carelessly. But you have realized this and “pocketed” your money. This doesn’t necessarily have to mean actual money – money is a symbol of self worth and energy. Are spending too much time at work? Are you burning out at work or a relationship? This dream is showing you to take it easy and conserve/balance where you “spend”.
Typo… from the previous comment. The man was sitting right above where I spotted the money on like a little hill. When I spotted the money it embedded in the ground surrounded by dirt.
Riding a bus symbolizes going along with the crowd not on your own, but, standing means you are not just sitting going along but taking a stand about your situation. As you are going along you see a little money out the window…but no one else sees it. What are you seeing that others are not pertaining to your finances? It seems that you are in a bit of a financial strain for the moment but you see a way out that others might not see/understand. You ask for some help and you will get more than you hoped for or asked. This dream could mean you are about to get an expected blessing.
Hi, I dreamed of a man he is actually one of the managers in a company that I work for giving me a bag, inside was a lot of paper money.. I took out all the R20.00 and left lot of R100.00 inside and I kept the bag with me.
Hi there,
this seems like a good dream. You are being rewarded for work at work by your boss.. and you leaving some of the money in the bag could mean that you really like what you do.
Many blessings,
Hello… I wonder if my dream is interesting enough to get your views on. The money part came at the end of quite a long dream with other symbolism and involving someone I had/have an ‘unspoken’ relationship with (it’s hard to explain – let’s just call it romantic) but we were separated by certain events. Anyway, I was at an island dive lodge and went to get some money changed. We were supposed to be on the island together but either he did not come or we just missed each other – that part isn’t clear. Somehow all the money in my purse got changed even though that was not my intent. I looked through them later, when I was by myself. Even stranger, the changed currency came in notes of different countries, i.e. not just the country of the island.
I was faintly annoyed, because now it was harder to figure out if the change was fair, and tried to count the coins but decided not to bother, and looked through the notes. There were still some notes of my own country left, some notes of regional countries that could be in the dream because I came into contact with them in travels this year, but also notes from an out-of-region country which I have not been to and isn’t on my travel plans (I have been, and plan to travel a lot this year). But, it is the native country of the person I mentioned.
Further, there were 2 notes in there larger than the rest, and upon examination, one of them was an IOU and the other a marriage license. The strange thing was, the IOU was blank. Even stranger, even though it was issued by the country of the island, the financial institution vouching for it is from his native country – yet the entire document was blank, no amount filled in, and not signed. The marriage certificate was on the authority of a neighbouring country I’d just been to, and my name was filled in already, but the groom’s name is blank.
I found all the above weird and distinct enough that I tried looking up what the possible meanings could be. What do you think?
It seems that your dream is saying that a relationship is continually changing and it is difficult for you to know where you are or what you mean or even what your worth or value is to the relationship/person. It seems you would like to be married but perhaps this is not the person to whom is best for you.
I hope this helps you understand your dream.
Many blessings,
I had a dream that I was trying to pay for a drink at a music cafe on the waterside, when what I thought were dollar coins in my purse, turned out to be rare heavy silver coins with old English writing on them. When I mention to the man behind the counter that all I had on me are these old coins, he asked about the types of coins I had. When I read out a few that were marked with different old English phrases, he said he would except one of the coins for payment. I felt like he knew that particular coin was worth a lot more than the cost of my drink, so I refused to give it to him until I got the coins valued.
How would you interpret this dream?
I would interpret this as know your own value. Don’t take someone else’s word. Understand and know your own value and worth and not let others take advantage of you.
Many blessings,
I dreamt that there’s some flood and heavy rain around my home. And, we plan to vacate the place. I quickly go upstairs from the shelter we are hiding in and manage to pack some clothes, all cash and gold in my locker. Although, there is no harm done by the excessive rain and I don’t see myself going away from that place. I have had similar dream before but i never see myself collecting my belongings and money. What could this mean?
Your dream is a dream of your anxiety and worry over things that “could” happen. It is always good to have a plan in case of
storms real and in life but then be okay with that plan and stop worrying. Look at this way, if a huge storm or flood is coming in the next few days, you would plan and do what you did in your dream. Then you would go about your life. When the storm was closer you would implement your plan and get to a safer place.
Many blessings,
I dreamnt an ex gave me money and then I went to the mall, withdrew money from an ATM and money kept on coming out, I filled the bag and it was lots of notes. There was no one around. So I eventually left because the bag was full but I could still get more money
Perhaps, this “ex” made you feel really good and you liked the attention they gave you.
And maybe, (not sure because you don’t indicate your relationship status now) but your dream says no one was around and you left even though
you could still get more money. Did you leave your ex? or breakup with that person? Could be your sub-conscious playing out the pro’s and con’s of this past relationship.
Hope this helps.
Many blessings,
Hi. last night I dreamt about finding a lot of coins, silver coins, copper coins and old gold coins. they were so many. I dreamt uncovering them from soil. some were semi covered and others were stacked. I started filling a them in a white sack. Then police officers arrived and I hid them in a truck and picked an empty sack for disguise. the officer was just suspecting me to be someone else and he asked my name and then he said sorry its not you. then I woke up.
Hi there,
Your dream seems to be telling you that you have after lots of digging and self development, uncovered many gifts and valuable insights to yourself and your life!
The police officer represents authority or lawfulness/moral compass. And that is telling you that you don’t have to hide who you are there is nothing to be guilty for or ashamed of – that you are not a bad person.
Sometimes, when good things happen to us or we feel good about ourselves and who we are or how we are living our life there is a feeling of dread that something bad will happen or that this is too good to be true I better not get to comfortable with this _______ whatever fill in the blank.
Many blessings,
Had a dream that i was walkin in the parking lot of walmart after a rain storm n i looked down and underneath a dirty brown rock was a wad of folded money was underneath peeking out.. I picked it up n then a lil further was a wet money like a $50 dollar bill or something
Ok so after the storm comes a little help in an unexpected way or place.
Many blessings to you.
Hi Cheri,
Godbless you.
I had a dream that I really need an interp for please help!!!
I Had a dream that I was in a place called Camberwell in London, standing next to the HSBC bank. I was with my cousin and I saw a man taking money out of a atm machine without using a card. after he walked away I said to my cousin that the man who just took money out of that atm didn’t use a card.
So my cousin went over and started pressing some of the buttons, and a large handful of money came out, then I began pressing the buttons and a large amount of money came out then I did it again and the same happened but then a large amount of Jamaican dollars came out instead.
Then My cousin said that she doesn’t want the police to come to her house so she’s going to bring the money to the police station. I was reluctant, and I said to her that I didn’t want to give up the money. My cousin drop the money off at the station, came to my house and encouraged me to do the same, I said to her that we should go the station to see if they miss the money I had taken. When we got there we hid and listened but they said nothing. In the end I decided I was going to give up all except the Jamaican money then I woke up.
please let me know what your sensing about this dream.
Godbless you and thanks you.
This dream seems to be about a dilemma you are experiencing in which you need
to make a decision and your lower self of course is saying hello just keep the money it was easy and
who knows, no one so what is it hurting anyone and gosh I could use it!
But your higher self, your moral boundaries and God knows the right thing to do. Regardless, if anyone knows or not.
And by your keeping just a little bit or particular part is still wrong. So whatever situation you are deciding about stop overthinking it and just
do the right thing without thinking of what is in it for you. Stealing is stealing no matter how easy or who knows or not.
There is a story in the Bible called Achan’s Sin. Check it out Joshua 7:1-12, 19-26 for further understanding of the attitude “if no one knows…”
Hope this helps.
Many blessings to you.
My wife dreamed I took $800.00 out of the bank account, and the rest of the money was gone from the bank account, what does that mean?
Well if we look at your bank account as a couple that could represent your marriage. And money represents worth…so if she dreamed that you took $800. and there was nothing left… I would think about how she is viewing you and your actions towards her and your relationship. Maybe you have been “taking” a lot from her and the marriage/relationship and she feels that there is nothing left for her and your marriage. Empty, drained. Took it all. etc….
Or maybe she could be feeling financially strapped with a situation that may have used a lot of your money?
Dreams about money mostly are about self-worth and or value.
Blessings to you and your wife.
fake dream interpretation.
ok if you say so.
I am a single parent that until recently had a very great co parenting situation. Last night I had a dream that I asked my ex husband for money for the children. Although he said yes, I found that I was chasing him around for the money. When we finally got to a place where he was reaching in his pocket to get the money. I found a roll of 50 and 100 dollar bills. I told someone else in the dream with me, ” never mind I found this money. God will always provide.” I walked away without even a backward glance to my ex.
Does this mean trust in God, that I don’t need my ex for financial support, stop asking him for money?
Please help and Thank you.
Dear Safia,
Yes, we are to trust in our Lord for everything. If you have to chase something to get it then that is not the way the Lord wants you to have it. Keep focused on God and talk with HIM and tell HIM your needs (although He Knows). Recite His word and promises back to HIM and stand on those promises. He will take care of you.
God makes a way that no one else can.
Hi Jean,
Sounds as if you are looking for your “place/home” in life – work related a place where you belong where you can be sustained (meals) and you are one among many who are looking for this too. Coins being tossed at you can mean a recent change (since it is being thrown at you from behind). Or maybe something makes little sense to you (play on words cents).
What does it mean if you have 4 difference dreams about $20 dollar bills. But in one of them you receive only $20 from someone. Than in another you receive $40 The next two dreams I had was about some houses. I was showing some ladies some houses they wanted to move in. In the houses I found $20 inside each kitchen window. Everytime I showed someone a different house. But keep in mind I don’t work for the RealeState company or work with any job showing houses.
Maybe, are you helping others see how to live or see things differently? The 20.00 is representing “value” of what you are showing/telling to others. Valuable insight. Houses are where we live and showing houses to others is showing a new way to live/think. Finding money in a kitchen window = kitchens are rooms in houses that represent food for thought. The kitchen is where we “cook” up things like ideas and a window is where you look out of which represents your point of view.
Hope that helps a little!
Many blessings to you.
Good evening Cheri I would really like to know what my dream ment. I dreamt last night that my boyfriends mother gave me a shopping list and left loads of twenty cents (gold coins) to go buy all the groceries with ( and she never uses cents or gives cents,she always gives notes) and me that will never go buy anything thing with cents in my dream Funny enough I was more than happy to actually go shopping with all this cents and even helped the cashier count it. I still remember the cashier looked up at me and said you are truly beautiful and I smiled and said thank you. Was a weird dream but feel it means something especial as I hate paying with cents and will never and my boyfriends mom will never give cents to go shop with neither. Please help thanks
This dream seems to be saying that you experienced something so unusual, unexpected that you would have never thought would happen. I am not sure what it is but try not to focus so much on the dream but more on the feeling the dream gave you – specialness, beautiful, surprised, unexpected. Then think of something that occurred within a day or two before you had the dream. It is really nice to have a good dream that encourages us or helps us see something about ourselves that we might not ever think of during the busyness of every day living.
Many blessings to you!
Bonjour, merci pour ce blog fort intéressant! Je me demandais ce que vous pensiez des croquettes Royal Canin Outdoor pour mon chat qui passe tout son temps dans les jardins alentours? Elles ont l’air de bien lui convenir mais au niveau de leur composition je ne sais pas. Elles ont bonnes réputations mais je n’en sais pas plus! Merci!!!
Bonjour! I really don’t know about feeding your cat Royal Canin kibble but I have heard/read that it is a good quality food for indoor/outdoor kitties. Bon Chance avec votre chat!
Hi Cherri,
I dreamed that I was in a crowd of people and money was being thrown to us, I was getting the money of the floor, both bills and coins,and then my aunt came covered me with her body.
Hi Beatriz,
Having money thrown at us from a crowd could be saying that you are receiving lots of attention that is not necessarily meant for you as picking money up off the floor could mean you are gathering what you can grab and not something being given specifically to you. Your aunt covering you means you should be cautious of a situation such as this. Something to remember is that money also means, value/valuable/energy/worth…that could be money can represent compliments, change, ideas, emotions….things we deem of value or worth including our own self worth.
May God bless you and your dreams!
I had a dream last night of driving a small car in a flood. I found a place to park the car and blocked it so it wouldn’t float away. I started walking uphill and found a pair of fatigue like pants with zippers all over them. I unzipped one and looked in and found a bundle of fifties, a large one. Then i started looking through the pants and pockets and found several more. The dream faded at this point.. what could it mean?
When I read your dream I got the picture that you must have been going through an emotionally draining experience. Overwhelmed with emotions (flood) but that you were driving and found a place to park your car then secure it means you were/are in control and knew you needed to rest and regroup. Finding fitgues (do you mean like army pants?) that is definitely a play on words fatigue (extremely tired). Finding the money means as soon as you unwind, open up you discover money which I think in this dream means value/worth/energy in this time of very needed rest.
May God bless you and your dreams
Hello! I had a dream my ex robbed me. During the process of looking through my things to him, i came across a couple of fake $100s but rather than giving him those, i chose to keep looking and found real hundreds and gave those to him instead.
I have no clue what to think of this and where to begin!
Hi Noneya,
Your dream indicates that you have been let down and feel “robbed” of trust and honesty. It doesn’t necessarily mean your ex per se however, it could mean that in your past you felt you have given 100% (all) of yourself to someone or something but feel that you did not get that in return.
God Bless you and your dreams!
Hi Cheri,
Hope you are well. Actually i had few dreams about money. Few days ago in my dreams i saw a big antique metal fish, like a massive money box full of coins. Few little kids were playing on it. Then last nite in my dream again, i can’t remember who handed me a box full of notes but it is not my current notes. New and clean so the more i was counting it, the more the money was increasing. I would love to know what my dream is trying to tell me.
Thanks a million.
God bless you
Hi Sherlaine,
Interesting dreams! While reading over your dream here is the impression I got: You saw (seeing) is your perspective on a big antique metal fish so not knowing what that really is to you….could you be seeing an opportunity in an old fashioned way to make money? Kids playing on it….means it could be something you don’t take seriously or think of seriously…like when you say to yourself “oh that’s just child’s play”? or silly ideas. The next dream where someone hands you a box full of notes, you wrote it’s not your current note – does this mean the type of currency you use? If so foreign currency can represent a foreign or unknown worth/value. Money isn’t always about actual money. It is also symbolic of worth, self worth, or what you deem as worthy/valuable. I know it isn’t much but hopefully it will ignite your spirit to understand it’s meaning. Please pray that God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit help you understand your dreams and they will make it known to you. Have faith that the answer is there and don’t struggle too much at figuring it out.
God Bless you and your dreams!