In effort to help you on interpreting your dreams I am writing more in depth on each of the 25 common dream symbols I have listed previously.
Many times, I am asked by clients or people attending one of my classes and by email what a symbol means and of course I have to answer it with a question “What does it mean to you?” Once they describe their personal meaning we go from there. However, some people want or need a little guidance on some things meanings or for quick reference. Just for the record, again, I am not a fan of dream dictionaries and definitely not a supporter of online dream dictionaries simply because they are computer generated answers. And books more often than not are filled with old superstitions and non sense. That being said, there are some dream dictionaries that are useful guidance tools. Certainly I would recommend a dream dictionary by C.Jung if that is more your beliefs or perhaps S. Freud if his teachings are more along your thinking. I am personally a Carl Jung and Egar Cayce person. I am also a person who believes in God and that dreams are our connection and communication through which God/Goddess The Universe communicates to us. That beliefe helps me with meaning of things too. When you are needing help on interpreting a dream message remember that it helps for you to ask your self first what it means to you by the first 3 words that come to mind about the object, person, animal etc then apply those words to a problem you may have had in the past day or two and see if that helps you. Okay, with that out of the way I am going to start randomly with one of the 25 common dream symbols with detailed meanings of hair. Keep in mind, if you are a hairdresser dreams of hair could have another dimension and meaning in your dreams.
Dreaming of Hair: In general hair represents outward conscious thoughts and feelings/sensitivity and outward manifestations.
Messy Hair: mixed up thoughts, confused, can’t think straight.
Knotted or Tangled hair: confused thoughts, uncertain, this is definitely pointing to a message to take some time to correct a situtation that is really confusing and correct it.
Knot in your Hair: could indicate a play on words Knot or “Not” and this would imply what your are not thinking of or not enough, or not able, not allowed, not acceptable eveything in its place and no loose ends.
Uncombed Hair: a need to starighten your thinking
Matted Hair: long standing mental problems, unbalanced thoughts and very confused thinking
Washing your Hair: a need to cleanse your thoughts and attitude, get rid of negativity or wash away others influence over you.
Gray Hair: indicates worrying and fear and negative thinking (which make one old and gray)
Cutting your Hair: discipline, reshaping, curtailing, trimming all ideas and thought processes or ideas
Add your own meanings with these to your personal dream dictionary. And remember if you need help interpreting or working with your dreams to click on the dream interpretation button at the top right of the page.
Sweet Dreams.