Because we are all made of energy, we are constantly bombarded with each other’s thoughts and feelings. Not only are thoughts and feelings impressed upon us from the physical world, but also from the spirit world. Being aware of the environment that surrounds us, and protecting ourselves from it, is important to our mental, spiritual and physical well being. For example, have you ever walked into a room and suddenly, for no apparent reason, became depressed, ill or gotten a headache? This is because you are picking up on someone else’s energy. As a medium, I have to be very careful when around other people, especially at funerals or visiting sick people. I am very sensitive to the feelings and thoughts of others. Many times I can be in a room full of people and pick up thoughts of despair, anger or deep sadness, and I actually feel and hear these thoughts from others. It is very taxing on my spirit and energy, and I have to get home to rest and cleanse my own aura. However, keep in mind that not all thoughts I receive or pick up on are bad. There are thoughts of love, prayer, healing and good, but mostly people are sending out and living in thoughts of depression, greed, jealousy and envy.
To combat these negative feelings, I begin and end each day with a simple prayer of protection. It is easy to do and takes only a minute. This is the same prayer I use before doing dream interpretations or medium work of any type. I also do it again if I am going to be dealing with some person or situation I know is not sending out the most positive vibes! It is called the White Light of Protection Prayer. The original prayer is from Unity School of Christianity, but I have embellished on it somewhat.
Upon awakening, while still in bed with your eyes closed, envision a beautiful white light coming from the top of your head that encircles you completely, about 5 inches from your physical body, say to yourself:
An impenetrable white light of God surrounds me. The light of God surrounds me, the love of God enfolds me, and the power of God protects me at all times.
This process of protection takes about two minutes. It is easy to do if you find that you may need extra protection during the day. Simply go into the restroom, your car or any place you can be alone, close your eyes and envision your white light and say the words of protection.
It is important to remember that we must stay grounded. Remember like attracts like. When we are centered and grounded and live and think from thoughts of love, prosperity, peace and harmony, we will attract just those things. Also, remember to keep watch regarding the company you keep and the people you associate with, because the people around us are a reflection of our thoughts.