We all dream, even if you think you don’t. Our nightime dreams are there even if we don’t recall them upon awakening…We are most awake when we are dreaming. Our dreams inspire us to do great things, warn us of danger, guide us in the right direction, help solve problems, can give a glimpse of a possible future and sometimes connect us with those who have passed on to the other side. Dreams are the hidden treasures of your higher self, your true self and your connection to the highest power from which we all are created.
“Is it not known to all people that the dream is the most usual way that God reveals himself to man?” –Tertullian
Here at Where Heaven Meets Earth is a hope to inspire, explore, assist and guide individuals on their journey of spiritual and metaphysical evolution. Sharing my experiences as a dreamer, dream interpreter, life-dream manifestations, psychic/intuitive experiences, spirit (ghost) encounters and angels and spirit guides in hopes of helping others on their spiritual journeys.
Sweet Dreams.
You have a beautiful website.